Congrats! Your business is online! It’s time to buckle down, build your digital presence, and show the world what makes you and your business unique. There are countless strategies to keep in mind when starting to grow your online presence. In the spirit of keeping things easy and organized, we have put together our guide for businesses just starting in the digital space.

Without further ado, we give you the four things you should be doing right now to build your digital presence:

#1 Be (Intentionally) Online

It may seem obvious that to grow an online presence, you must be online in the first place. Still, it is one thing to try and grow your brand online and something completely different to try and grow your brand online with intention and attention to detail. 

Your digital space should be designed to be a welcoming and cohesive representation of your brand. A well-built space with an easy-to-use client/customer interface will help build trust with your clients and consumers alike. 

Are you still building your digital space? Check out our tips on 5 mistakes for your business to avoid in the digital space here

#2 Be (Active) Online

Your digital presence is much like any living thing and requires care and attention to thrive. Your business must remain intentionally active to grow and maintain your consumer base. Pick what is best for your client/customer base, depending on your business plan. 

Update your digital space regularly. 

This may look like blog posts, feature stories, or newsletters. Think of it as a way for your customers and clients to keep up with you and your business like they might be a friends. These updates are great for keeping the public in the loop about your business goals and what you do to achieve them. Regular and (especially) scheduled updates can help create a connection between your customers and clients that keeps them coming back to your space time and again. 

Be Social With Your Social Media

A social media presence can keep your clients invested, provide transparency, and build trust. Comment sections give opportunities for unique and personalized interactions with your consumers. The opportunities for feedback directly from the source are invaluable. Most social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, allow for post scheduling, so businesses can plan regular postings without having to be on top of things daily.

Social media platforms also allow for more significant reach opportunities for businesses. So much of any social media platform revolves around the ease of sharing with connections. This means that your followers’ networks can easily become a part of your business’s network as well. Social media can also allow companies to explore interactions and marking in a more creative (and more fun!) way. Whether you embrace the latest meme trends or video challenges or keep your socials more traditionally professional, there is no denying that the bite-sized updates that social media posts thrive on can be an excellent way for businesses of any type to connect with the world around us. 

#3 Connecting With Your Audience: Seek and Build Relationships

Utilizing your digital presence in your digital space and through social media for networking is just as important and impactful as in the real world, if not more so. With increasing day-to-day internet usage so firmly a part of our lives thanks to advancing technology that we have access to on the go (here is to looking at you, smartphones!), it has become easier than ever for businesses to network within the digital space and connect with clients worldwide.

A well-founded relationship with other brands and businesses can help create accountability and build customer trust. Building relationships directly with consumers can give your business a personal and more human touch that sets you apart from the competition. Digital networking has no restrictions and no limits to potential reach. Building relationships with other brands and your consumers and clients directly has never been easier, and it will only strengthen your own business through organic growth.

#4 Mastery of SEO 

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is essential in building any digital space. SEO increases your visibility within search results with Google, Bing, and any other search engine people might use. Based on what people type into their search bars, you might focus your SEO on services your business provides, products you sell, or even information you wish to provide. SEO is implemented on the back end of a website or blog, and numerous online tools help guide business owners through the process for the best results. SEO tools are more accessible than ever. However, nothing can replace having an expert on your side, especially for those just starting. Hiring a professional to help with SEO can free up valuable time for other essential business needs and make your efforts that much more impactful. 

Added Bonus: Advertisement! 

Organic brand growth through word of mouth is great, but other options exist to grow your digital presence, too! It may seem obvious, but you can also create more brand awareness online with- you guessed it- advertisements! Sponsored Ads married with these other best practices can help bring your digital space to the top of the search results chart. Social media platforms also offer advertisement opportunities to get your business to new consumers and connections! 


Carving out your space and growing your digital presence doesn’t have to be hard. Be intentional with how your brand engages with clients and customers online. Regular updates keep audiences engaged. Interaction with your audience builds brand trust. Cultivating relationships with other brands and clients will only strengthen your business and grow your network. Proper SEO best practices can help get your brand in front of even more people.

But most of all, your digital presence is a living entity that needs to be cared for and maintained, and who better to help with that than the professionals? 

Reach out to Digital Renegades for a free consultation.

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