Mistakes. Everyone makes them. 

At Digital Renegades, we are here to help you learn from the most common mistakes businesses make in the digital space so your business can avoid them. 

Not Having a Website

It may come as a surprise that one of the biggest mistakes we see businesses make is simply not engaging in the digital space at all. In an increasingly digital age, meeting your clients where they are is more important than ever. And, where they are is online. A functional and professional looking site can attract new clients, build trust with current clients, and function as a touch-base of communication between your business and those you are trying to reach.

Not Utilizing Your Website

Another mistake we see is when businesses don’t utilize the website or social media presence that they have created. Digital marketing is a necessity in the current market. To make your digital space impactful, it must grow and evolve with your business. A website should not be a static entity, crafted and left alone. Rather, it should function as an extension of your business to inform and engage current and potential clients. A well-crafted website is a bridge between the company and the client for more accessible and more effective communication. 

Not Having Your Website Designed and Built by a Professional

It may be tempting to ask your computer-savvy nephew to build a website for your business on a budget or try and tackle it on your own, but crafting an effective digital space online is a skill that takes time to learn to do well. What may seem like a way to save money and time by hiring an amateur often ends up costing more in client relationships, more money, and more time in the long run. 

When you work with a professional to build your website, you guarantee that your digital space will be pieced together with cohesive branding that tells a story and will work for your business as much as an additional employee might.

Working with a professional is an excellent way to help build R.O.I. for your growing business.

Not Considering Your User Experience

Nothing will have your clients clicking away faster than a poorly designed website. The most important thing you can do for your website is make it user-friendly. Ensuring your clients have an easy-to-navigate time, if not also an enjoyable time when interacting with your website and socials is vital. 

It is also important to keep your user’s security in mind when designing your digital space. This builds trust as well as credibility and will protect not only your clients but your business in the long run. 

Not Optimizing Your Website for Mobile

Thanks to the pervasive nature of smartphones, much of today’s internet usage happens on the go. With a properly done website, your business can be accessible to an innumerable audience of anyone with a mobile connection. An easy-to-use option on the go encourages your clients and customers to interact with your business everywhere and on the go. A well-made mobile site in cahoots with consistently maintained social media can take your business even higher in the digital space.

A Note on Avoiding These Mistakes

The best way to avoid these mistakes is by careful planning and brand building under the guidance of professionals. Digital Renegades takes all the steps from beginning to end to ensure your business gets the attention it deserves while crafting a digital space that takes consideration of all your clients’ needs. 

Bespoke Digital Spaces by Digital Renegades

The Digital Renegades team is made up of highly trained and passionate professionals who are ready and waiting to assist you in creating the perfect digital space your business.

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